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1  SMW Hacking / Basic SMW Hacking / Re: Ask anything about SMW Hacking! on: August 26, 2010, 06:34:28 am
1. No, it just replaces the fireflower, they're technically all the same but with different GFX.
so, one at a time Tongue

2. Its impossible without lotsa ASM, because the fireballs have special tables and they would need to be expanded and repointed and stuff.
2  The Warp Pipe / Pen and Paper / Bugs. on: August 21, 2010, 05:13:46 am
Post any site bugs you find here!
3  Gaming Galore / Forum Games / Re: Hangman on: July 17, 2010, 01:26:30 am
(yes obs told me the word Tongue)

Word #1  -  Incorrect: 1  |  Letters Guessed: E, P
_ _ _ _ _ _ E _
4  The Goofy House / Wacky Pack / Re: Mafia Name Generator on: July 16, 2010, 12:57:34 am
UMA makes Oscar Giamatti

I dont see how it is related :<
5  SMW Hacking / SMW Hacking Discussion/Showoff / The All-Encompassing, Comprehensive, Customary, Generic Screenshot/Video Thread on: July 14, 2010, 11:25:25 am
There are kinda bad status bar palettes :<

Note: The pictures are in reverse order, i blame photobucket . please read this post in the reverse order Tongue.
Did you see what was up with the BG?

Sprites will be added!

Shooting outta the pipe

A tiny sewer, there were bob-ombs there but they exploded Cheesy( yes it is exanimated Smiley)

Not spoiling it Tongue.

Hmm, how would i get to that pipe?

And now a large one, but its kinda destroyed

Standing on a small bridge.

The begin of the level!
6  SMW Hacking / SMW Hacking Discussion/Showoff / SPC showoff thread. on: July 13, 2010, 11:09:56 am
Showoff your SPC's here, or comment on someone else's one.

I'll start.
DuckTales 2, land select screen.

Fits in a happy/grassland OW.
Yes i know the bass is soft but i am too lazy to re-upload Tongue.
7  The Warp Pipe / Water Ways / Staff list on: July 13, 2010, 08:38:20 am
Here's a list of all staff.
8  Gaming Galore / Forum Games / (READ THIS NOW) Forum game rules on: July 13, 2010, 02:02:23 am
Rule 1.
No shitty, postcount++y games like:
Count to 9001 or Quote Pyramid.
Breaking of this rule will result in taking away of a chance.

Rule 2.
No taking lead of other people's games like:
Person A:
Blah Blah question Blah.
Person B:
answer blah blah
Person C:
Blah blah question
Hey, you're not allowed to take lead of someone else's game.
Breaking of this rule will result in taking away of a chance.

Rule 3.
Follow the rules of the game you are participating in.

Breaking this rule twice will result in taking away of a chance, first time it is a chance taken away.

Rule 4.
Breaking of this rule will result in taking away of two chances.

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